The USPF is committed to creating an enabling environment and ensuring that Nigerians irrespective of demography, social and economic status have access to quality and affordable ICT services.

In line with Chapter VII, Part IV of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003, the Federal Government of Nigeria established a Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) "to promote the widespread availability and usage of network services and applications services throughout Nigeria by encouraging the installation of network facilities, and the provision of network services and applications services to institutions in unserved, underserved areas or for underserved groups within the community".


  • supervising and providing broad policy directions for the management of the USP Fund and the USP Fund Managers
  • Appointing and removing the USP Fund Managers, in consultation with the Commission
  • Appointing and removing auditors of the USP Fund
  • Approving Operating Plans, which shall include one or more USP Programs and USP Projects and a budget for all operations and expenses of the USP Board, USP Fund Managers and all other matters to be financed by the USP Fund during the period of the Operating Plan
  • Approving standing orders to establish and regulate the activities of the USP Fund Manager, and revisions to such standing orders from time to time
  • Approving all processes, procedures, guidelines and decisions necessary to give full force and effect to these Regulations
  • Performing all other functions assigned to the USP Board pursuant to the Act and these Regulations


  • promote greater social equity and inclusion for the people of Nigeria
  • Contribute to national economic, social, and cultural development of Nigeria.


ICT Access for All


To facilitate universal service and access to ICT, through partnerships to stimulate development in rural, unserved and underserved communities.

Guiding Principles

  • Co-location/Infrastructure Sharing
  • Social Inclusion
  • Geographic Coverage
  • Promote Private Sector
  • Promote Consumer Interest
  • Sustainability
  • Local Content
  • Foster Economic and Social Development
  • Consultation, Transparency and Accountability
  • Quality of Service
  • Technology Neutrality

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
  • Service Excellence